
This project will be graded using the following system: 

If you write a Paper, use this rubric.  Try to get a perfect score (16 Points)!

Paper 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Instrument Questions


More than three missing answers.


Two or three missing answers.


One missing answer.


All questions were answered accurately.  At least one interesting fact was included.

Famous Musician Questions

More than two missing answers.

Two missing answers.

One missing answer.

All questions were answered accurately.

Listening Questions


More than one missing answer.


One missing answer.

All questions were answered.

Actual Paper


Less than two pages.  More than 6 spelling mistakes.  No list of websites and books.

Less than two pages.  3-6 spelling mistakes.  Partial list of websites and books.

Two pages.  1-3 spelling mistakes.  Partial list of websites and books.

Two or more pages.  No spelling mistakes.  Complete list of websites and books.


If you create a Poster Board, use this rubric.  Try to get a perfect score (16 Points)!

Poster Board 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Instrument Questions


More than three missing answers.


Two or three missing answers.


One missing answer.


All questions were answered accurately.  At least one interesting fact was included.

Famous Musician Questions

More than two missing answers.

Two missing answers.

One missing answer.

All questions were answered accurately.

Listening Questions


More than one missing answer.


One missing answer.

All questions were answered.

Actual Paper


Poster Board display is not well organized.  No pictures.  More than 6 spelling mistakes.  No list of websites and books.

Poster Board display is not well organized.  Missing more than 1 picture.  3-6 spelling mistakes.  Partial list of websites and books.

Poster Board display is missing 1 picture or illustration.  1-3 spelling mistakes.  Partial list of websites and books.

Poster Board display looks neat, colorful, and well organized.  Contains at least two pictures and one illustration.  No spelling mistakes.  Complete list of websites and books.

© 2007 Mr. Hait